Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why is it that all caucasian old women have short white curly hair?

Anyone know why all caucasian old women have short white curly hair?

I know why it's short...easier to take care of. But why is it curly? After you get so old does your hair become curly or something or do they perm it that way?

Why is it that all caucasian old women have short white curly hair?

They don't all have curly hair. If they do, it's either natural or they have it permed. It doesn't get that way with age. I'm Caucasian and "elderly", and my hair is brown going grey. It's straight and short when I want it that way, or curly when I get a perm. A second thought: a lot of older women have their hair coloured blonde and usually get very tight perms to go with it - I call them "golden girls". Maybe that's what you're seeing.

Why is it that all caucasian old women have short white curly hair?

Most old ladies have there hair permed or there wogs or simply there where born with curly hair =]

Why is it that all caucasian old women have short white curly hair?

I agree with with you that short is easier to take care of - so the older ladies like to get short haricuts. Yet, the curly hair is more because they have less hair after menopause, and as you get older and older, the hair gets less thick and strong. So, a perm makes you look like you have more hair. A perm is very forgiving - both in hairstyle, how often it is cut, and how thin the hair is.

Why is it that all caucasian old women have short white curly hair?

Most of them perm and roller set it. It's social, and easier to take care of...

Why is it that all caucasian old women have short white curly hair?

their generation is popular with the perms..

Why is it that all caucasian old women have short white curly hair?

my gran used to perm and dye hers all the time, till she dies at 82. my other gran had long pretty white hair till she died at 65.

i met an old lady at the bus stop, kick a$$ old lady, and she has dark.deep/bright red hair. its short but not curly.

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